SmartHome without hub?
Is it possible to have a SmartHome without an expensive SmartHome hub? The solution can be BleBox. They offer SmartHome products of a high quality that you connect to your home Wifi or the built-in Wifi that the devices have. wBox series from BleBox can be used without a SmartHome Hub. This means they can […]
How to replace USB Z-Stick with Z-Net for network based Z-Wave connection in HomeSeer
How to replace USB Z-Stick with Z-Net for network based Z-Wave connection Would you like to have a network based Z-Wave connection for controlling your lights or other Z-Wave devices? For this, you can use Z-Net from (sponsored link) HomeSeer. Note that Z-net comes in 4 versions, one for Australia, Europe, UK, and the US. […]
How to connect IKEA Smart Light Trådfri to HomeSeer
How to connect IKEA’s Smart lights Trådfri to HomeSeer Ikea has made an affordable Smart light system named Trådfri. This means wireless in Sweden. The Trådfri system from Ikea supports at the moment only light bulb, buttons and motion sensors. I’m sure that over time there will come much more to this system, based on […]
Connect Yale Doorman to HomeSeer
How to connect your Yale Doorman to HomeSeer via Verisure SmartLock. To connect Yale Doorman to HomeSeer, you need to have the Verisure SmartLock Box that include the Verisure VBox Micro and Verisure SmartLock Module. To use this module you do not need to have an alarm from Verisure and the use of this SmartLock […]
Add Z-Wave devices to HomeSeer
Add Z-Wave devices to HomeSeer To add a new Z-Wave device to HomeSeer you need to go to HomeSeers web interface. You can access this by typing the IP address or hostname of your HomeSeer server. If you are using a Windows based PC as your HomeSeer server you can see how the find the […]
Amazon Alexa in HomeSeer
Use Amazon Alexa in HomeSeerWould you like to use your voice to control devices with Alexa in HomeSeer? Then you can take your SmartHome solution to new heights by integrating Alexa from Amazon in HomeSeer. Personally, I think this Alexa in HomeSeer is one of the most useful and fun things I have made in […]
HomeSeer as SmartHome system
HomeSeer HomeSeer is one of the most advanced homeautomation systems available on the market (August 2018), but at the same time it is also very user-friendly. The system is incredibly flexible, and have many integration options. Another of HomeSeer‘s (sponsored link) great strengths is the incredibly flexible way of making events. Events allow light, coffee […]
Events in HomeSeer
Create Events in HomeSeer Personally, I think this is one of the biggest strengths in HomeSeer! Events in HomeSeer provide a great deal of flexibility in getting the HS3 software to solve various tasks in the SmartHome and homeautomation system. An example an event may be that you want freshly brewed coffee on next Thursday, […]
Purpose of guides for SmartHome
SmartHome Here you will find a category with the SmartHome or homeautomation if you want – where making your home more automatized is one of the most important topics, as well as how to make your home more “smart” where the light must turn on automatically, the heat must adjust after the outside weather and […]